
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Failure of Success

hat Osho says below meshes with my own experience.

It was my material successes that showed me that
happiness does not lie in wealth. When I 'achieved'
what I was taught was the "American Dream" I became
so depressed I couldn't drag myself out of bed in the
morning. My world as I had known it ended when that
depression arose, and I began psychotherapy in the 80's.

"In a poor society religion cannot be meaningful, because
people have not yet failed. Their search still carries meaning,
the outward search. They think if they can get a good house
everything will be okay; they think if they can get a little money
then everything will be okay. A poor man can live in illusion,
but not a rich man. And if you see a rich man living in illusion,
remember well, he is still poor, he has not succeeded yet.

A Buddha leaves the palace, a Mahavira leaves the kingdom.
They succeeded, and success failed them. They became alert
that the whole direction had been wrong, so they took an about-
turn. They moved into totally the opposite direction: they were
kings, they became beggars; they were clothed in the costliest
clothes possible, they became naked. It became a conversion:
success fails, and failure becomes a conversion.

Buy why does success fail? It fails because you were searching
not for wealth, you were searching not for power, you were
searching not for security and safety; you were not searching for
a house, you were searching for something else. You were
searching for the eternal home, from where there is no going away.
You were searching for eternal rest, you were searching for a peace
which lasts forever, nontemporal. That is what the search is: a
search for the home. It is not a search for any house outside, it
is a search for a state of being where you are at home. You were
not searching for wealth, you were searching for protection against
death; you were searching for a life which no death can destroy"

Reading this I also realize that when my seeking for 'reputation
and material success' ended, the era of a seeking in a different
direction began. I began seeking love and acceptance. I began
seeking "unconditional" love and acceptance.

(Knowing, of course, that I was telling myself to take a deeper find a 'me' that was deeper than material and social

Acceptance and admiration had before that always been automatic,
because I was always before 'succeeding' academically, in business,
materially, socially. When I got off the Track though.... I, for the
first time, began experiencing my 'unacceptability'. I was finally
without "power" financial power, no sexual power, no social
power, totally power-less.

And in that powerlessness I became very angry. Angry because
I was not 'home', and at the same time no longer 'loveable' to man.
I began essentially "demanding" love and acceptance.

(Demanding, of course, my own unconditionality.)

What I'm starting to 'get' now is that as long as I was seeking
love, I could not experience it....could not taste it. And as long
as I felt love and acceptance was being denied me, I would
keep seeking after it.

The other day I felt unconditional love and acceptance. I really
felt it. And I loved it.....for just a short while. Because as soon as
I felt it, tasted it, wallowed it, bathed in it.....I knew it was not

And so once again my success has 'failed', and a conversion....a 'turn

Thank you, HarshaSatsangh and friends for giving me what I asked for,
even though you knew it wasn't *It*. Thank you all for helping me to
taste the "failure of success" even faster.


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