
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sagitarious Profile

Provided by

The Sagittarius is really a centaur -- the lower half is horse, the upper half is a man. The man is holding a bow with an arrow aimed upwards toward the sky. This symbolizes the Sagittarius' drive to overcome basic animal instincts by aiming his thoughts into the divine realms of the heavens. In other words, Sagittarius is hunting for ideas and experiences that draw you into greater awareness. As such, Sagittarius tend to love adventure, travel and philosophy -- all ways of extending beyond your immediate surroundings.

Sagittarius tend to aim their arrows of thought upward, being the incurable optimists of the zodiac. Sagittarius often look at the sunny side of life and the silver lining to any dark cloud. Sagittarius are honest to a fault, for you can say what's on your mind before you realize that someone's feelings might be hurt. Since the Sagittarius is part horse, there is also a connection between Sagittarius and horses, be it a love of riding or an emphasis on the most powerful part of a horse: its legs and thighs. In fact, many of Sagittarius love outdoor hiking and long distance running.

The Sagittarius motto is "It is better to know how to learn than to know." You seek knowledge and wisdom, never tiring of the quest for what is yet to come. Others enjoy being with you when you are in your outgoing and joyful mood, but you can become more sullen if you feel that your wings have been clipped. Even in a restrictive situation, however, you'll not lose hope--and it is this inspirational perspective that leads you to your greatest success.

Element: Fire
Fire signs are naturally warm. A fire gives light and heat, but it doesn't get depleted as others feed on its warmth. One candle can bring light to a room and it won't burn any faster if ten people read from its light than if there was only one. Fire doesn't plan its next move; it isn't logical. It simply is in the moment and will burn what fuel is available without judgment or forethought. For this reason fire signs can successfully rely on their intuition and survival instincts.

The fire of Sagittarius is warming, not hot -- but that's because it's far away. It's like a light in the distance that reminds us why we are heading in that direction or the stars that have been used for navigation. This is the fire of inspiration whose heat can motivate the mind to reach out into the wilderness.

Ninth House: Travel
If the Third House is the House of Quick Trips, then the opposite Ninth House could be called the House of Long Distance Journeys. It's about foreign travel, higher education -- for that's travel in the mind and the potential adventure that the future holds.

Key Planet: Jupiter
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and as such symbolizes an expansive action. He is the king of bigger, better and more. But, of course, too much of a good thing isn't necessarily good, and Jupiter can encourage us to overspend or overindulge. Jupiter acts like a magnifying lens and can make a little opportunity look larger than life. As the key planet of Sagittarius, Jupiter encourages us to take those opportunities, to live life as an adventure and to believe in something greater than ourselves.

Sagittarius Greatest Strength: Your undying optimistic attitude

Sagittarius Possible Weakness: Glossing over problems or avoiding difficult situations


Dont waste your life for that which is going to be taken away. Trust life. If you trust, only then can you drop your knowledge, only then can you put your mind aside. And with trust, something immense opens up. Then this life is no longer ordinary life, it becomes full of God, overflowing. When the heart is innocent and the walls have disappeared, you are bridged with infinity. And you are not deceived; there is nothing that can be taken away from you. That which can be taken away from you is not worth keeping, and that which cannot be taken away from you... why should one be afraid of its being taken away? It cannot be taken away, there is no possibility. You cannot lose your real treasure.

Famous Quotes by Osho

Famous Quotes by Osho

Keys to Success: The Mirror Technique from The Magic of Believing

Keys to Success: The Mirror Technique from The Magic of Believing

Keys to Success: Money Affirmation

Keys to Success: Money Affirmation

Quotes from OSHO

"If you are afraid of yourself, only then are you afraid of other people. If you love yourself, you love others. If you hate yourself, you hate others. Because in relationship with others, it is only you mirrored. The other is nothing but a mirror. So whatsoever happens in relationship, always know it must have happened before, within you -- because the relationship can only magnify. It cannot create; it can only show and manifest." ~ Osho

Failure of Success

hat Osho says below meshes with my own experience.

It was my material successes that showed me that
happiness does not lie in wealth. When I 'achieved'
what I was taught was the "American Dream" I became
so depressed I couldn't drag myself out of bed in the
morning. My world as I had known it ended when that
depression arose, and I began psychotherapy in the 80's.

"In a poor society religion cannot be meaningful, because
people have not yet failed. Their search still carries meaning,
the outward search. They think if they can get a good house
everything will be okay; they think if they can get a little money
then everything will be okay. A poor man can live in illusion,
but not a rich man. And if you see a rich man living in illusion,
remember well, he is still poor, he has not succeeded yet.

A Buddha leaves the palace, a Mahavira leaves the kingdom.
They succeeded, and success failed them. They became alert
that the whole direction had been wrong, so they took an about-
turn. They moved into totally the opposite direction: they were
kings, they became beggars; they were clothed in the costliest
clothes possible, they became naked. It became a conversion:
success fails, and failure becomes a conversion.

Buy why does success fail? It fails because you were searching
not for wealth, you were searching not for power, you were
searching not for security and safety; you were not searching for
a house, you were searching for something else. You were
searching for the eternal home, from where there is no going away.
You were searching for eternal rest, you were searching for a peace
which lasts forever, nontemporal. That is what the search is: a
search for the home. It is not a search for any house outside, it
is a search for a state of being where you are at home. You were
not searching for wealth, you were searching for protection against
death; you were searching for a life which no death can destroy"

Reading this I also realize that when my seeking for 'reputation
and material success' ended, the era of a seeking in a different
direction began. I began seeking love and acceptance. I began
seeking "unconditional" love and acceptance.

(Knowing, of course, that I was telling myself to take a deeper find a 'me' that was deeper than material and social

Acceptance and admiration had before that always been automatic,
because I was always before 'succeeding' academically, in business,
materially, socially. When I got off the Track though.... I, for the
first time, began experiencing my 'unacceptability'. I was finally
without "power" financial power, no sexual power, no social
power, totally power-less.

And in that powerlessness I became very angry. Angry because
I was not 'home', and at the same time no longer 'loveable' to man.
I began essentially "demanding" love and acceptance.

(Demanding, of course, my own unconditionality.)

What I'm starting to 'get' now is that as long as I was seeking
love, I could not experience it....could not taste it. And as long
as I felt love and acceptance was being denied me, I would
keep seeking after it.

The other day I felt unconditional love and acceptance. I really
felt it. And I loved it.....for just a short while. Because as soon as
I felt it, tasted it, wallowed it, bathed in it.....I knew it was not

And so once again my success has 'failed', and a conversion....a 'turn

Thank you, HarshaSatsangh and friends for giving me what I asked for,
even though you knew it wasn't *It*. Thank you all for helping me to
taste the "failure of success" even faster.


How do I Love Myself

Love has three stages.
First you have to learn to love yourself, because only if you love yourself can you love the other. You have to love yourself so much that love starts overflowing. Perhaps that is where you are; you need the other. That is the second stage of love.
Loving the other is a difficult job. Loving oneself is simple. Because the other need not fit with you, need not fulfill your expectations; the other may start power trips, ego trips, all kinds of numbers. And you will need love enough not to be dominated, not to be destroyed by the other; otherwise, the other always destroys it.
Jean-Paul Sartre is not absolutely wrong when he says the other is hell. Alone you can be silent, peaceful. With the other everything becomes difficult, everything becomes a conflict. The very presence of the other makes demands on you. You have to be very compassionate, very kind, not to get caught into an intimate enmity; otherwise the other is going to become a hell to you.
You have to be so loving that your love transforms the other, to such an extent that you can say the other is not hell. You have to be very articulate, very understanding. It is one of the greatest experiments in life. There is no other experiment which is bigger. You have to love in such a way that slowly, slowly it changes the other person, and the other person starts dropping the effort to dominate, the effort to manipulate. It all depends on your love.
In each case you should remember that you have taken the step. It is your experiment, and you have to be grateful to the other that he is participating in your experiment. If you want your experiment to be successful, then you have to go on loving in spite of the other, not bothering about small things.
Only when you can love the other person to such an extent that it becomes a transformation in him or in her does the third stage of love arrive. Then it is not a question of two persons loving each other; then it is love which engulfs two persons and the two persons become, in a certain deeper sense, one whole.
In India we have the statue of Aradhanishwar, half man, half woman. That is the third stage of love: when the man and the woman are no more two persons, they have become half and half into one whole. This third stage of love is, automatically, meditation. One who can reach this stage need not do anything else for meditation; this will be his mysticism. This was the whole approach of tantra, to reach to the third stage of love; then no other religion, no other methods are needed. Love itself becomes your god, your ultimate experience.
But the second stage is really difficult; otherwise, for thousands of years people would not have escaped into monasteries. What was the fear? Why were they trying to hide in monasteries?
The second step is really difficult, and because of the difficulty all religions have chosen to escape from life. But escaping from life is not the answer, it is simply cowardice.
Life has to be changed through understanding. And if you love, love has an alchemy of its own. If love cannot change the other person, it only means you don't know what love is; you must be misunderstanding something else for love, because love is absolutely capable of changing people. In fact, it is the only way to change.
There is no place where love is being taught. There is no place where love is being nourished. That is one of the functions of the mystery school: to make your love pure, pure of ego and power and domination -- just a sheer gift of joy, a delight in the being of the other person, just a sharing of all that you have, holding nothing back.
Love is the greatest magic.
Don't be afraid of the other; let the other enter your life. I don't teach escapism. I teach you to go into the world, to transform the world, because only in that transformation will you be transformed. By escaping to the hills and to the monasteries you will miss transformation yourself. You will shrink, you will not expand. And if you cannot love a single person, how are you going to love the whole universe? And that's what prayer is -- loving the whole universe.
People feel that it is easier to love the whole universe, because there seems to be no problem -- the universe, the trees, the stars, the moon, the sun... they don't create any problem.
The other creates trouble because your love is not enough. If your love is overflowing, the other will be showered by it, cleansed by it. And instead of creating trouble for you, the other can become a tremendous help, a complementary part in the organic unity of your being, and can lead you to the third stage.
It all depends on how much you can love.
And I don't think that one should be miserly about love. It costs nothing. And it is not a quantity, that you have loved one kilo, so now there is one kilo less. It is not a quantity.
The more you love, the more you have it.
The more you give, the more the universe goes on pouring into you from all sides. There are hidden springs, just as in a well.
Love has an underground way of filling you, invisible.
The only way to know is just give it and see -- you are always full.

Osho Upanishad # 29/Courtesy Osho International Foundation/
Alone - Individual -Love
OSHO International Meditation Resort.

Secret of Health


You are a magnet attracting to you all things, via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings.

To open yourself up and become a powerful magnet to wellness and health from wherever you are now:


Love yourself! Deeply, profoundly! Make lists of all the wonderful things about you. Add to it every day.

Free yourself of any past resentments or disappointments you may be holding about you.

Let go of any and all resentments from the past you may be holding of everyone and everything.

See yourself as completely well in your mind and visualize yourself doing things in a complete state of perfect health.

Do not speak of your illness, or disease with others.

Love and appreciate everything and everyone, and especially yourself.

Know you have the power within you to heal yourself.

Never criticize or blame yourself or anyone else for anything.

Be grateful for the wellbeing that is coming to you.

See yourself as only well.

Be happy, knowing that in your state of happiness your body is healing itself.

As you appreciate, as you love, as you are happy, as you are grateful, you are summoning wellbeing and it is pouring through your body and disease is vanishing in the moment.

Laugh! Hire funny movies or recall any memories that make you laugh. Laugh your way back to health.

Make lists every day of all the things you are grateful for, including being grateful for your healing and complete wellbeing.

You must do whatever you can to remove your attention from disease.

Distract yourself from thoughts of disease, and put all of your focus and attention on doing things that make you feel good.

Make your happiness the number one thing in your life.

Resist nothing, love everything!

Know that there is no such thing as incurable.

As you love completely and feel the joy within you, disease cannot exist.

Know and accept that you are perfect as you are right now.

Secret of Relationship


You can completely transform any relationship, no matter what it's like right now.

Every single relationship you have is a reflection of how you feel inside about you. You are a magnet attracting to you all things, via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings. Every relationship you have and every interaction with every person, is a reflection of your own thoughts and feelings in that very moment.

To transform every single relationship you have in your life:


Fall in love with YOU!

Make lists of hundreds and hundreds of wonderful things about you. Keep adding to it every day.

Know that you are perfect. Do not think any negative thoughts about you.

Know that you are worthy and deserving of anything and everything you could possibly want in your life.

Focus on the wonderful things in every person. Look for only those things.

Do not blame or criticize anybody, ever.

Set an intention that you are going to see the best in everything and everyone.

Make your happiness the number one thing in your life. Happiness is an inside job.

Free yourself of the responsibility of trying to make other people happy. Respect and love them enough to allow them to take care of their own happiness.

Get your attention off those things in others that don't make you feel good.

Appreciate and love yourself in every moment you can.

Do not expect others to behave in a way you want, so you will be happy. Release yourself forevermore and know that you alone control your happiness and it is a choice, no matter what anyone else is doing.

Love and respect yourself completely.

Know that you are perfect right now.

Secret of Money


Money is magnetic energy. You are a magnet attracting to you all things, via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings.

To become a powerful money magnet:

MoneyBe clear about the amount of money you want to receive. State it and intend it! Don’t think about how much you can earn, but how much you want to receive.

Fall in love with money. Most people do not love money, because they always feel that they don't have enough of it.

Visualize and imagine yourself spending all the money you want, as though you have it already.

Speak, act, and think from the mindset of being wealthy now. Eliminate thoughts and words of lack such as "I can't afford it", "It is too expensive".

Do not speak or think of the lack of money for a single second.

Be grateful for the money you have. Appreciate it as you touch it.

Make lists of all the things you will buy with an abundance of money.

Do whatever it takes for you to feel wealthy.

Affirm to yourself every day that you have an abundance of money, and that it comes to you effortlessly.

Appreciate all the riches around you, including the riches of others. Look for wealth wherever you go, and appreciate it.

Be certain that money is coming to you.

Love yourself and know that you are deserving and worthy of an abundance of money.

Remind yourself everyday that you are a money magnet, and ask yourself often during the day, am I attracting money now or pushing it away with my thoughts?

Always, always pay yourself first from your wage, then pay your creditors. In that single act, you are telling the Universe that you are worthy and deserving of more.

Repeat over and over every day, "I am a money magnet and money comes to me effortlessly and easily."

Write out a check to yourself for the sum of money you would like to have and carry it in your wallet. Look at it often.

Do whatever it takes to feel good. The emotions of joy and happiness are powerful money magnets. Be happy now!

Love yourself!
Wealth is a mindset. Money is literally attracted to you or repelled from you. It's all about how you think.

Inner Healing

“At step one, we become aware of an inner block. At step two, we
offer that block to God to be removed. Step three is the reward
step for our work. At step three, we simply open our minds to the
inflow of God's love, wisdom, and comfort.” - Inner Healing
The Three-Step Process: Self-Perception
a companion to Inner Healing by Dan Joseph
The three-step process, as outlined in Inner Healing, is a way of
opening to an inner experience of God’s love and support. The process
involves: (1) acknowledging some of our inner blocks, (2) becoming
willing to prayerfully release them, and (3) opening to an experience of
divine comfort and love. One simple way of describing the process is,
“Feeling to Thought, Release and Receive.”
Step One: Feeling to thought (or perception)
Here is a situation that is bothering me:
When I think about this problem, I feel _____:
(ex. angry, afraid, etc.)
I feel this way because I see myself as _____:
(ex. attacked, abandoned, etc.)
Step Two: Releasing the old
At step two, the aim is to release these thoughts and feelings to God.
You can offer your old perceptions to God like a bunch of packages.
You can say:
“God, I feel _____ and I see myself as _____.
However, I take ownership of those feelings and perceptions.
I give them to you - here they are.
Help me to exchange them for an experience of your love.”
Step Three: Receiving the new
Step three is the real goal of the process. Having identified some of
your distressing thoughts and feelings in step one, and having offered
them to God in step two, you can now open to the inflow of God’s
healing, transforming love. You can say:
“God, my mind is open. Please inspire a new view of this
situation and a new view of myself. Replace my distressing
feelings with a sense of your love. My heart is open to you.”
Then simply rest, openly and receptively, welcoming the inflow of
God’s love, comfort, and inspired new thoughts and perspectives.
A companion to Inner Healing by Dan Joseph. Copyright © Quiet Mind Publishing, LLC. This worksheet is located at

Seven Spiritual Laws of Success By Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra’s Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Definations :

A law is the process by which unmanifest becomes the manifest, and the process by
which the dreamer manifests his dreams.
Success could be defined as the
'Continual Expansion of Happiness and the progressive realization of worthy goals',
Success can be seen as the 'ability to fulfill desires with effortless ease'
'The ultimate true success would be the miraculous'

Law 1 - Law of Pure Potentiality
The source of all creation is pure consciousness...pure potentiality seeking expression
from the unmanifest to the manifest. And when we realize that our true Self is one of pure
potentiality, we align with the power that manifests everything in the universe.

Law 2 - Law of Giving and Receiving
The universe operates through dynamic and receiving are different
aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And in our willingness to give that which
we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives.
Give something to everyone you meet e.g. not necessarily money, can be gift,
compliment, or silent blessing or prayer.
Be open to receive from others. Gratefully Receive gifts, nature, sunlight, snow etc.
Make commitment to Circulate, caring, appreciating and loving

Law 3 - Law of Karma
Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind...what we sow is
what we reap. And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others,
the fruit of our karma is happiness and success.
Witness Choices in each moment - fully conscious / aware in the moment
Evaluate Consequences of your choices - will choice bring happiness to those around me
Listen with your Heart -ask your heart for guidance - be guided - look for feeling of
comfort / discomfort

Law 4 - Law of least effort
Nature's intelligence functions with effortless ease...with care freeness, harmony, and
love. And when we harness the forces of harmony, joy, and love, we create success and
good fortune with effortless ease.
Practice Acceptance - accept people as they are - know that this moment is as it is
supposed to be
Take Responsibility for actions, not blaming others/ things
Have your awareness in Defenselessness - no need to persuade others - don't be attached
rigidly to one point of view

Law 5 - Law of Intention and desire
Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment...intention and
desire in the field of pure potentiality, have infinite organizing power. And when we
introduce an intention in the fertile ground of pure potentiality, we put this infinite
organizing power to work for us.
Present Moment Awareness - slip into silence
List Desires - keep them to yourself
Release your desires to the Universe - relinquishing attachment and outcome

Law 6 - Law of detachment
In detachment lies the wisdom of the wisdom of uncertainty lies the
freedom from our past, from the known, which is the prison of past conditioning. And in
our willingness to step into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, we surrender
ourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of the universe.
Commit self to Detached Involvement - no rigid or forced solutions
Wisdom of Uncertainty leads to freedom -
Open to Infinite Possibilities of choices and outcomes

Law 7 - Law of Dharma
Everyone has a purpose in life...a unique or special talent to give to others. And when we
blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation
of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.
Discover the Higher Self - beyond and above ego - spend time in silence
List Your Unique Talents - that lead to state of bliss
Serve Others - ask yourself how can I help? Rather than what's in it for me - share more,treat people like your brothers and sisters

By Deepak

Gujarati Kadhi Recipe by Tarala Dalal


Cooking Time : 15 min.
Preparation Time : A few min.

Serves 4.

2 tablespoons gram flour
2 teacups fresh curds
1 teaspoon chilli-ginger paste
2 curry leaves
2 tablespoons sugar (approx.)
2 tablespoons chopped coriander
salt to taste
For the tempering
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
a pinch asafoetida
1 red chilli broken into pieces
2 teaspoons ghee

Mix the gram flour, curds and 3 teacups of water. Beat.


Add the chilli-ginger paste, curry leaves, sugar and salt and put to boil.


Boil whilst stirring for a while.


Prepare the tempering by heating the ghee and frying the cumin and mustard seeds until they turn brown. Add the asafoetida and red chilli.


Add the tempering to the kadhi and boil for a few minutes.


Sprinkle coriander on top and serve hot.

Quotes from Indian Sanskruti by Guruji


Love is not an emotion, it is your very existence.
Here are the signs of love. When you love someone, you see nothing wrong with them.
When you love someone, you want to see them always happy and you want them to have the best.
Love is the highest strength, yet it makes you absolutely weak
Love cannot tolerate distance, and hatred cannot tolerate nearness.
You can experience love, but you cannot describe it or express it totally.
Love is beyond sight, touch, smell, taste, and sound.
When there is Love, there is no ego; ego dissolves like the dew drops with the sun.
In the company of one who is living Love, you also cant but spring into that Love.
Love is that phenomenon of dissolving, disappearing, merging, becoming one with.
Love is that phenomenon of total letting go.
The seers, the seen, and the process of seeing all merge. The knowledge, the knower, and the known, they all merge, become one & that is Divine Love.


In ignorance anger is cheap and a smile is costly
Make your smile cheaper and you anger expensive.
The anger of the enlightened is a blessing

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Silence is the goal of all answers. If an answer does not silence the mind, it is no answer
Only Silence is complete
Smiling with all the existence is Silence
Purpose of words is to create silence.

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When you know you own God you will not be in a hurry to get something out of God.
When you have infinite patience, you will realize God belongs to you.
God does not test you because he knows you completely - your past, present and future
God is calling you every moment.
God is the Seer himself. Who sees---that is God
God is love. Being in love is sharing that love.
This entire universe is made up of God. There is nothing outside God.
God is responsibility, total responsibility.

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Be a Gopal. Be a friend in knowledge
Be a friend in knowledge. Uplift each other in knowledge
Knowledge is a burden if it does not set you free.
Knowledge keeps everything fresh.
In science you have knowledge first, and then faith follows. In spirituality, faith comes first, and then Knowledge follows.
When you follow fun, misery follows you. When you follow Knowledge, fun follows you.
Illusion is error of perception and knowing illusion as illusion is Knowledge.
Suffering is a product of limited knowledge.
For one who has awakened in knowledge, there is no more suffering.

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The Spiritual Master / Guru

The master is a doorway
The master is presence. The world is relativity and relativity has limitations. Presence is unlimited.
If you are not feeling close to the master, it is because of you, because of your mind, because of your ego concepts.
A master is like an ocean. Ocean is there, readily available. It does not reject anybody.
If a Master is not hollow and empty, he is no Master at all.

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Do not say that you want to surrender. Just know that you already are surrendered.
A person who cannot surrender cannot be self reliant
When you are shaken, remember the foundation of responsibility is surrender.
The greatest power is in surrender, surrender to the Divine.

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Root out boredom through deep and continued meditation
If you are unable to meditate because your mind is chattering too much, just feel that you are a little stupid, and then you will be able to sink deep into meditation
Meditation erases the impressions and improves the expression
Anytime you are confused, your mind is in conflict, do asanas, sit in asana. You will see, right away clarity comes.
Effect of asana is clearing out of all conflicts, duality.
The seed of negativity and the tendency for conflict in you can only be annihilated by Sadhana.

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Give quality time to the divine, it will be rewarded. Give satsang and meditation your highest priority
One who does not do satsang is like a wild animal. Satsang alone makes you civilized.
Satsang is the shelter from changing time and its harsh influence on life.

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Break through the barrier of the rational mind and find freedom for yourself
Freedom is your very nature. Only with freedom do joy, generosity and other human values blossom
Just an intention to be free makes you immediately free.
Discipline protects freedom. You can choose to focus either on freedom or discipline, and this makes you happy or unhappy.
Freedom without discipline is like a country without a defense.

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When you praise someone, you take on their good karma. When you blame someone, you take on their bad karma
Performing actions cannot eliminate karma. Only through grace can the bondage of karma be burnt.
Prarabdha karma cannot be changed. Sanchita karma can be changed by spiritual practices.

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Respect for the Self is faith and faith is being open
Have respect for the Self and no one can take your self respect
Someone does not need to be great in order to be respected. Respecting life makes you great.

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The "I" or ego in you is a tiny atom
Ego is separateness, non-belongingness
The head level is safe for the ego. The heart level breaks the ego. The solve level dissolves the ego
The inability to communicate occurs because of ego
Someone experiences bliss, and that bliss, itself, becomes a trip for the ego. So the ego, in turn, destroys the infinity, the joy, the bliss.

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Divinity dwells in the void as well as in celebration.
Death brings you in touch with the reality of life.
Wake up an see your life is too short. The realization that life is short will bring dynamism to your life.

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Breath is the link between your body and your spirit and your mind


Drop all the divisions (of the mind), altogether. This is what is holding you back from enlightenment. This is what is holding you back from your very nature. Drop those right now.

Your own judgement brings the barrier, separates you, makes you behave so funny. When you are judging, you are judging your own self, but you are super-imposing it on this, or this, or this, or this, or this.

The entire universe is just an expression, projection, of the Being, of the Self.
Within this small body, you are able to experience the infinite space.

Though enlightenment is one in the world, there are many different flavors.

A poor man celebrates the new year once a year. A rich man celebrates each day. But the richest man celebrates every moment.

Abiding in the self you become the valentine for the whole world. Spirit is the valentine of matter and matter is the valentine of the spirit.

Enlightenment is beyond seasons like the evergreen coconut tree.

The world appears imperfect on the surface but underneath, all is perfect. Perfection hides; imperfection shows off.

Sincerity is being in touch with your Depth.

A big Mind that is God. And your mind is part of that big Mind.

You are total. You are full. You have all that you need. Do not underestimate yourself.

A devotee will never fall. He cannot fall. There is no chance for it.

Abundance is a state of mind within you. If you just look at "lack," the lack increases in life.

The best "puja," the best form of worship, is to be happy, to be grateful.

Over-indulgence in anything reduces the beauty.

Behind every activity, pleasant, unpleasant, chaotic, harmonious, is one Divinity.

Basing your life on words is very superficial.

Whatever you want for others will happen to you.

See a mistake as a mistake, not as "my" or "his" mistake. "My" means guilt; "his" means anger.

"Want" is always hanging on to the "I." When the "I" itself is dissolving, "want" also dissolves, disappears.

See, ninety percent of this body is only space, and space, and space. And what is in this space? That is mind; that is consciousness; that is intelligence.

Without being critical, the intellect cannot progress. But that criticism should not come from the heart; it can come from the throat.

If any has to be given, this is the blessing that has to be given: "Be devoid of feverishness. "

The Self is the center of the whole creation.

If you are passionate, be passionate for the highest, the most wonderful, the most beautiful. Be passionate for this entire creation-everything is so beautiful

Truth cannot be understood through proof. Anything that can be proven can be disproven also. Truth is beyond proof or disproof.

Take a while and just relax. Repose in the depth of your being.

Forgetfulness is one of the greatest blessings.

Events cannot stick on to you. You are like the pure crystal. Niranjanah-- -untouched, unstained by anything.

Beauty has three levels: indication, expression, and exposure. Spirituality indicates, art expresses, and science exposes.

You are Divine. You are part of me. I am part of you.

Life is a package of surprise gifts for you.

When heart speaks and heart listens, harmony is produced. It is always so. When head talks and head listens, argument is produced.


In India if you go to any village in a car, the village dogs will chase your car. They will chase you with all they have got, with full energy and vigour. They will try to overtake your car. And seeing this if you slowdown a bit or stop the car because you have reached your destination, they suddenly get to overtake you. They overtake you and see that the car is stopped; now they don’t know what to do. So they look really stupid.

This is something similar to the attitude of a person who wants to win. Why do you want to win?

Suppose you become so skilful that you win each and every debate, and then what will you achieve?

Will it help you grow as a person, as an individual ?

25 th January, 2009